Do you want 5 more? Funny sayings during our trip in Africa :-)

5 more

We had a fantastic adventure in Africa for 6 (yes six!) weeks! And during this trip our co-travellers in the truck were adorable. Below you find 5 more funny sayings. Enjoy!

1.Funny ladyMa from Snakefarm

At the snake farm Meserani we got to know ‘ma’ – a wonderful lady with a great sense of humour. I asked her when the bar was closing. She answered smiling: ‘When I am sick of you.’


At the same bar one of the guests asked for the Wifi-password. Ma answered:

3.Old school

In Swakopmund we went with the whole bunch to the restaurant ‘Kücki’s‘. As we were 25 people we were split up at several tables mostly by age ;-). One hour later Harry from Canada came to our table: ‘Hey, I join you guys. I have enough of the kids. They are always on their phone. Honestly, I want to stab myself. When I was young, I did not have facebook… I had a life!’

4.To camp or not to camp

Pierre (French but living for years in Amsterdam) confessed that he only found out one week before the trip that we need to camp. The first night he slept very well and at breaking up he shouted: ‘I am so fast, I am in the top 3!’

Napolitana Swakopmund

5.No beer for you!

In Swakopmund we had a fun night with our group at the bar Napolitana and we drank and danced a lot. The next evening my husband and I returned. I went to the bar to order 2 beer. The waiter looked at me:

More funny stuff?

5 funny sayings

5 more

Again 5

Another 5

Want to read about our adventure in Africa?


Cederberg and Namibia

Dunes of Namibia

Elephants are beautiful and… scary!

Game drives in Africa


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